Friday, April 16, 2010


Hi, everyone! The Robinson clan made it back home safe and sound from the hospital late this morning...all is well although, Mom is still in pain.

I hope everything's been going well with Mr. J! And HOPEFULLY you've been able to read some selections in class these past couple of days that kept you interested.

I'll be back to class on Monday, and we'll spend that day doing a bunch of review in order to "catch up"...for me and for you guys! Plus, we'll continue our "genre" discussion and, of course, finish "Bang..." and accompanying discussion.

Please check out the updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links to the right in order to fully prepare for next week.

Have a good weekend, all!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Baby News!

It's a GIRL! hahahaha....Quinn Nora Robinson, born this morning at 1:54 A.M....10 lbs. and 2 ounces! Yikes...wife/mom is fine...everyone's fine. Thanks for all the thoughts and well-wishes!

First, please continue to check this site for updates/announcements/directions in addition to Mr. J in class.

You'll be on a bit of an altered schedule this week due to my string of absences. As soon as the "National Treasure" assignment is complete, we'll delay the rest of the "genre" talk until I get back. Instead, be prepared to have time for a FREE READ in class on Thursday and Friday (if i'm not present). This means bring something to class with which you'll be interested in reading for pleasure! This also means that the quiz that is scheduled for Monday regarding "genres" will be delayed until further notice.

As of now, I will definitely be absent for class tomorrow (Thursday) and most likely on Friday. But again, keep checking this blog for updates!

Hope all is well, everyone.