Friday, April 30, 2010


Hi, everyone. I hope you're enjoying the last weekend of April!

Below and to the right are the recently updated "weekly schedule" and "important dates" links. We start with a brand new "film history" unit on Monday. I think you'll enjoy it. But then again, I'm a big history dork!

Overall, nice job on the Director Presentations in class today (Friday). I'm looking forward to reading your essays in the near future. Expect feedback soon.

Take care, all. See you soon.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Medical update...

Hey, everyone. Thanks for the work with Mr. J today, once again.

My "procedure" in Detroit went fairly well today despite a few complications. I'm actually writing you from Detroit right now as I (and my still-recovering wife) am not fit to drive anywhere after the day. Soooooooo, it looks like I will be absent from school tomorrow (Wednesday) again.

Please continue the hard work with the director research, and, of course, email me with any questions and/or concerns. The Friday due date still stands!

Also, the "job" articles are important as you build your knowledge of the film industry. Be ready to talk more about them when I return!